With spring in full bloom, our bridal jewelry expert Howard with be on-hand for the Diamonds Direct (4521 Sharon Rd, Suite 101 in Charlotte) Shapes of Spring Designer Showcase (April 13 – 15, 2018). Enjoy a 20% Special Savings.
Not sure what metal is right for you? What style looks best on your finger? Howard is there to guide you! Don’t miss out!

Diamonds Direct Charlotte
4521 Sharon Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
Phone: (704) 532-9041
E-mail: InfoCLT@diamondsdirect.com
Get directions
You can also see Novell wedding bands the same weekend at the Diamonds Direct locations in Birmingham, Alabama and San Antonio, Texas. Although a company representative will not be present at these stores for the Shapes of Spring Designer Showcase, the knowledgeable staff will give you all the help you need. Just tell them you are there to see our designs.